
You're always the right age to think about retirement



An investment designed to keep your retirement savings invested if you’re leaving your employer as a result of resignation, dismissal, or retrenchment, or if your pension or provident fund is wound up. With these plans you preserve your pension or provident fund savings from your previous employer until you retire. Our Preserver Plans give you more than conventional retirement solutions. You also get rewarded for taking proactive steps to manage your money and your health.

  • You choose your retirement date
  • Legislation allows you to retire from age 55
  • Minimum Investemt amount R 5 000 lump sum if you’re under 30 and R 75 000 lump sum if you’re 30 or over
  • You can make extra contributions to your investment

Secure a long and happy life with our preserver plans

WorldWide Wealth Investment fee

We charge a yearly admin fee, which may depend on the size of your investment.

Investment manager fees

Investment managers may charge initial and ongoing fees.

Financial adviser fees

Your financial adviser can charge initial and ongoing advice fees.

Please contact your financial adviser for a detailed quote on fees


No guarantee of investment performance



The following applies to you:

  • Tax-free investment growth
  • Contributions can be deducted from your taxable income


Read the relevant Fact File for details of:

  • How you can get boosts to your investments
  • How the fees work
  • What happens to your investment on your death

Contact your financial adviser for more information

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Speak to your financial adviser. If you do not have a financial adviser, leave your details below, and we will get one to contact you. Our terms and conditions apply.

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